Be a student of the Internet and learn cutting edge techniques to market your Broadband Isp effectively on the world streamyx no web. Don't just limit yourself to marketing on the net but market locally as well.
1. Visit colleges and leave your business cards or flyers in the student lounge.
2. Leave your flyers, brochures or business cards on bulletin boards in Laundromats.
3. While waiting to see your doctor or dentist, etc. leave business cards or flyers in the magazines
4. Donate magazines to sitting rooms with a label on front and back stating the new streamyx was donated by your company. Be sure to put your website on label.
5. Internet marketing can be done several different ways. One of my favorites is to post comments on applicable Blogs, etc.
6. Write articles and submit them to different sites.
7. Make videos and put them on You Tube, My Space and elsewhere
8. Be sure to hand out your business card or flyer to people within three feet of you-the 3 foot rule.
9. Give away writing pens, calendars and other items with your website on them.
10. Search the Internet for health fairs, job fairs, and different festivals you can participate in as a vendor.
11. Be sure to have your signature line on your emails which includes your website and phone number.
12. Set up a very clear and short voice mail message for your internet business
13. Send your business videos via email to friends and ask them to pass the information on to their friends and relatives
14. Set up a squeeze page offering a free Ebook, report, or other items if they submit their name and email for further information about your Internet business.
Be a student of the Internet and learn cutting edge techniques to market your business effectively on the world wide web.
Beverly Blankenship